V. International Joint Science Congress of Materials and Polymers (ISCMP 2021)
29.09.2021 - 1.10.2021
, Turkey
Dear Colleagues,
International Joint Science Congress of Materials and Polymers (ISCMP), which is organized with the aim of sharing scientific developments related to materials science and technology with a wide range of stakeholders, has been held regularly every year since 2017. Following the first ISCMP (Ohrid, Macedonia) in 2017, the continuation of the congress were carried out successfully in Durres, Albania (ISCMP 2018), Pristina, Kosovo (ISCMP 2019) and Tetovo, Macedonia (ISCMP 2020).
The fifth of the congress (ISCMP 2021), hosted by Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University in cooperation with the Chemists Society (Turkey), Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Turkey), University of Tetovo (North Macedonia), University of Prishtina (Kosovo), Society of Chemists and Technologist of Macedonia, Materials Research Society of Macedonia, Tunisian Chemical Society and The Chemical Society of Pakistan, will be performed in Burdur, Turkey.
It is our pleasure and privilege to invite you to attend the unique international platform the 5th International Joint Science Congress of Materials and Polymers, which will be held in Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Lavanta Tepesi Hotel (5 Stars Hotel), Burdur, Turkey between 29 September to October 1, 2021.
The congress will include all areas of material science and technology including different related fields (e.g. chemistry, energy, food science and technology). Official language of the congress is English. Abstracts and full-texts will be evaluated double-blind & peer-review and published in the congress abstract/proceedings book (will be included in EBSCO) after the congress. Optionally, full-texts could be published in different supported journals after performing regular publication processes of the journals. A congress special issue will be published in Open Chemistry (SCI-Expanded, Impact Factor: 1.554, De Gruyter Open Access). Abstracts and the full texts which not presented during the conference will not be included in the congress abstracts/proceedings book and not published in the journals special issues.
Congress attendees will have the chance to benefit from scientific exchange during either the formal activities or the informal meetings with colleagues from different backgrounds. They will also have a chance to see the natural and historical beauties of Burdur. Hereby, we would like to thank everyone who has supported us by accepting our invitation to be an invited speaker and to be organizing workshops. We would also like to thank all public and private sector organizations that provided economic support to our congress.
We hope you will enjoy the meeting and we are looking forward to welcoming you to Burdur!